Black TikTok star Savannah Edwards called out Alyssa Milano, telling Milano, “you’re not helping” with race relations.
Known as @thisissavvy, Edwards posted her reaction to a clip from Milano’s podcast. In the clip, Milano asked viewers who are not Black men to imagine “seeing men who look like you executed by police” and “arrested in impossibly high numbers,” in an attempt to draw comparison to the experiences of Black men.
As seen below in the video, Edwards’s reaction is one of the classiest and bad@$$iest responses to the Hollywood elitist.
“You’re not helping”, said Edwards. “You’re causing more division…. more fear.”
Edwards continued in her video to some 400,000 of her TikTok followers:
Statistically speaking, I am more likely to be shot and killed by my Black elderly neighbor across the street than the cop who patrols my neighborhood. Statistically speaking, homicide by cop is very rare, but people like you find power in fear so you keep the front page news.
Edwards even went as far as to call Milano a “white supremacist” – WOW!
Our Take…
YES! Bravo, young lady!

Edwards gave voice to what many people are dying to say to the privileged: you profit from other people’s pain. Many on social media approved:
If only more people had this kind of courage and good sense. MIlano and her ilk will have fewer opportunities to pontificate on matters which they knows nothing about if we do.