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VIDEO: Biden Panders to Hispanic Voters With “Despacito” Stunt

A Sign of Desperation?

Joe Biden Despacito
Joe Biden will do anything for a vote... even doing a little dance to Despacito for a Hispanic crowd in Fl

Video emerged of Joe Biden dancing while playing Despacito on his phone before Hispanic voters in Florida. It appears to be a clear and shameless attempt at pandering to a voter demographic.

The Biden Gaffe Machine was back at it at a Hispanic Heritage Month event in Kissimmee, FL Words cannot do this visual justice of how Biden opened at the podium after performer Luis Fonsi introduced him.

Biden got jiggy with it amid recent polling showing President Trump making inroads with Hispanic voters in the Sunshine State.

Concerns about Biden’s strength in Florida were driven in part by an NBC-Marist poll released last week, which found Latinos in the state about evenly divided between Biden and Trump. Hillary Clinton led Trump by a 59% to 36% margin among Latinos in the same poll in 2016.

Steve Peoples & Will Weissert (AP) | September 14, 2020

Since the video has surfaced, the internet has gone bonkers!

Meanwhile, others took note of the translated lyrics and compared it to some of Biden’s… um… friendlier moments.

Our Take…

The Biden Gaffe Machine keeps on rolling! In a week that saw President Trump possibly commit his own mishap on the campaign trail, Biden decided to full-on pander.

And, what a pander! This is up there with the hot sauce in Hillary Clinton’s purse, and taking on an accent when she ran for office.

Meanwhile, all the mainstream press could talk about was President Trump retweeting a clearly parodied video. That video changed the song Biden was dancing to from Despacito to N.W.A. F*** The Police. While the media is clutching pearls, this video appears intended to reference the outbreak of violence against police by “mostly peaceful” protesters. Focus, people!

If the Hispanic vote is so crucial to Biden, maybe he should discuss some solutions to improve their community instead of dancing a jig.

What do you think?


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