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WHY, TED? WHY! The Video We Never Wanted To Make


We hate that I had to make this video.

WE REALLY HATE that we had to do it.

But, we made calling out political buffoonery my mission, and sometimes in the course of that mission, we have to call out someone we really like.

That’s the case this week, as we examine a special instance of buffoonery committed by Sen. Ted Cruz. We take a look at what was probably Cruz’s roughest week politically in his career.

In case you didn’t know, Sen. Ted Cruz, (R-TX), told reporters told reporters las week that his decision to go on a family vacation to Cancún, Mexico while Texans suffer without heat, water and power because of a historic winter storm was “a mistake” that he now regrets. But within that excuse, many inconsistencies emerge within Cruz’s story. We detail much of it in this video below.

But while Cruz’s buffoonery dominated the news cycle, here are some other instances of people doing dumb things.

Leave us a comment to let us know if you are OK with us calling out people like Ted Cruz when they do something dumb.

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