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Video: Acosta Goes OVER THE TOP in J6 Pardon Interview

CNN’s Resident Trump Hater Is Back At It!

CNN's Jim Acosta has an over the top emotional reaction to President Donald Trump's pardons for January 6 (J6) defendants during a recent interview.

CNN’s Jim Acosta has an over-the-top emotional reaction to President Donald Trump’s pardons for January 6 (J6) defendants during a recent interview.

In a recent interview with Rep. Tim Burchett (R-TN), Acosta used every trick in his arsenal to push his narrative of outrage towards the President’s decision to pardon many J6 defendants. But all Acosta accomplished is exposing the left’s hypocrisy on pardons and the leftist media’s blank portrayal of the Capitol riots.

Trump’s J6 Pardons vs. Biden’s Pardons: A Media Double Standard?

Trump’s decision to commute the sentences of those convicted or awaiting trial for their involvement in the January 6 riot has sparked outrage from many on the left, including CNN’s Jim Acosta.

Hosts Gene Berardelli and Ross Galloway contend that Acosta used hyperbole and emotional rhetoric during his interview with Congressman Burchett as a means to push his narrative which broadly paints all J6 defendants as “violent insurrectionists”. By lumping together over a thousand people and asking whether Trump’s pardons were justified without considering the individual cases, Acosta avoids engaging with the complexity of the situation. Acosta thus reveals his political bias by manipulating the discussion to fit his chosen narrative.

Want further evidence of bias? Berardelli and Galloway further noted the leftist media’s stark change in tone when it came to Joe Biden’s preemptive pardons. Indeed, news that former President Biden pardoned a Connecticut drug kingpin who murdered an 8 year boy barely broke into the news cycle.

The clear difference in coverage invites the question of whether Acosta and those that share his perspective select which narrative to push into the political landscape. Where’s the outrage for pardoning a child murderer?

Perhaps Acosta got lost in his own personal crusade against President Donald Trump. Acosta’s history with Trump reveals Acosta’s zeal to expose Trump for what Acosta believes him to be: an “insane” president. Acosta’s “beautiful story” portrays himself as a crusader for truth against a president who doesn’t know the meaning of the word. But, Acosta is more like a grifter out to make himself and his network more marketable, and, thus, richer. Perfect example: Acosta’s wrote a memoir to parlay his visibility and his narcissistic self-image into bank.

Unfortunately for him, it flopped. 

Were J6 Defendants Punished Disproportionately?

Host Ross Galloway questioned the severity of the sentences handed down to those involved in J6, particularly in the aftermath of the Supreme Court’s decision to strike down the central charge of obstructing an official proceeding. Those who were charged with obstruction of an official proceeding—a charge meant for white-collar crimes—were sentenced to long prison terms despite their relatively minor involvement. Some have argued that federal prosecutors stretched the law beyond its applicable limits as a way to extra-judiciously punish these J6 defendants because of their political le

As Always, Context is Key

When watching media hacks like Acosta discuss politically charged events like January 6, viewers should always question whether the so-called “journalist” maintains proper context. For example, viewers might see a figure like Acosta as more credible had he provided proper context on the degree of offense committed by J6 defendants instead of lumping everyone into one group and labeling them all as violent. Had Acosta considered the actions of each individual, their motivations, and the legal charges against them, he might have a good point to raise. But, Acosta didn’t. Thus, the audience lost out on what would have been an interesting discussion and left with a nuanced understanding of the events.

What do you think?

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