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Over 10K Sign Petition Against “Lady AntiBLM” for Name Dispute

Over 10K Signed in 4 days!

A petition was started to support Anita "Lady A" White
Anita "Lady A" White

The hits just keep on coming for former Nominee, the band formerly known as Lady Antebellim.

Supports of Anita “Lady A” White have started a petition on to demand that the band they now dub “Lady AntiBLM” (damn, I wish we would have thought of that!) give up the name and move on to something else:

The answer is simple: transfer ownership of the trademarked name to Lady A, drop the lawsuit against her and choose a new name. The two artists cannot coexist under one name. We must put pressure on the band and their legal team to choose morality and show proof of support for black voices through ACTION, not meaningless words.

LeAnne Clay, creator of petition

Thus far, over 10,000 people have signed the petition, which went live on July 11.

OK, ‘Foonies! Who’s down with the cause!

What do you think?

Dense Buffoons Get CAUGHT UP!

So Much CRINGE-WORTHY Buffoonery!